Workshop On Basics of AVR Microcontroller

Techtronix, Society of Electronics and Communication Engineering of Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology conducted a Workshop on “Basics of AVR”, on the 27th of March, 2017. The Workshop was attended by around thirty students from first, second and third year of the ECE Department. The workshop commenced at 1:30 pm as scheduled.

The speaker for the day was Rishabh Jain, a student of 3rd year, ECE Department. The two-hour long Workshop was focused at giving basic knowledge about the AVR architecture, performing simulations using the Proteus ISIS software along with coding using Embedded C on the Atmel Studio 6. Students were given hands on experience, where they learned how to simulate LED glowing patterns. Everyone participated enthusiastically. 

Special Guest Lecture: Revisiting Human Origin, Studying Archaeological Evidences for Extreme Human Antiquity

A special seminar was organized in the afternoon of 17 February 2017 (at Maharaja Agrasen Auditorium) by BACE society in collaboration with ECE Dept. on the topic, “Revisiting Human Origin, Studying Archaeological Evidences for Extreme Human Antiquity”. The seminar was specifically conducted for first year students of all branches and the event concluded with an interactive question answer session with the students. The speaker for this seminar were Dr. Michael Cremo, famous American Scientist in the field of Archeology. Dr. Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists as well as an associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science.

Dr. Cremo’s ideas on this topic are inspired by his studies in the ancient Sanskrit writings of India, especially the Puranas, which deal with cosmology and history. Some extraterrestrial researchers believe that life evolved on earth as most scientists now say it happened. They say the first single celled organisms self-organized from chemicals a couple of billion years ago. Then came multicellular organisms, first in the ocean, then on land. Gradually the first apes came into existence, then, a few million years ago, the first apemen (hominins). Around 400,000 years ago, there was the apeman, Homo erectus. Some ET researchers believe that at this point, some extraterrestrials came and manipulated the genes of Homo erectus, thus forming humans like us, Homo sapiens. Dr. Cremo disagrees with this. Archeological evidence, as documented in his book “Forbidden Archeology”, shows that humans like us have been present on earth for tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of years, going all the way back to the very beginning of life on this planet. It is crucial to understand that a human being, or any other living thing, is not just a machine made of molecules. The human body, or any other body, is a vehicle for a conscious self, a soul. This conscious self is not produced by molecules in the brain. It exists independently from matter. It is never created, never destroyed. The conscious self comes from a higher, timeless level of reality. So, in that sense, as conscious selves, we are all extraterrestrials. We are not from this planet. We are from a higher level or reality, to which we should strive to return. As conscious beings, we have not evolved up from matter, but have devolved, or come down from a higher realm. Dr. Cremo has explained this in more detail in his book Human Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory.

Over the past two centuries researchers have found bones and artifacts showing that people like ourselves existed on earth millions of years ago. But the scientific establishment has ignored these remarkable facts because they contradict the dominant views of human origins and antiquity. The research being done by Dr. Michael A. Cremo challenges us to rethink our understanding of human origins, identity, and destiny. It takes on one of the most fundamental components of the modern scientific world view, and invites us to take a courageous first step towards a new perspective.

A special seminar was organized by BACE society in collaboration with ECE Dept. in the main auditorium at 2pm on the topic, “Revisiting Human Origin, Studying Archaeological Evidences for Extreme Human Antiquity”. The seminar was specifically conducted for first year students of all branches and the event concluded with an interactive question answer session with the students. The speaker for this seminar were Dr. Michael Cremo, famous American Scientist in the field of Archeology. Dr. Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists as well as an associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science.

IETE Workshop on PSpice

To start the proceedings of IETE STUDENT FORUM MAIT, first workshop on PSpice was held on 14 Feb 2017 from 11am to 1pm in the college premises. The workshop was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) Neelam Sharma(HOD ECE Dept.). She briefed the students upon IETE and its benefits. Her enlightening words encouraged   students to explore the world of electronics. Then, the proceedings were handed over to Mr. Amit Saxena (Asst. Professor ECE). He discussed various topics starting with basic electronics and then progressed into advanced topics such as ADC, digital image processing and simulations in PSpice. The workshop was attended by 53 students of ECE first year. Mr.Vaibhav Nijhawan (Asst. Professor ECE) and Mr. Naveen Kumar (Asst. Professor ECE), coordinated the workshop.