One day seminar on
Career Prospects for Atmanirbhar Bharat
13 December 2022
The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering organized a one day seminar with the central theme of career prospects for second year and pre final year students. The event took place from 9:30am till 4:30pm in the Maharaja Agrasen Auditorium.
Dr. Sunil Kumar Mathur, who served as program chair for this event, addressed the students and informed them about the recent changes in syllabus. He advised the students to make the best use of the New Education Policy that has been implemented by the Govt. of India in higher education institutes. Also, he stressed on the fact that the students should not be mere job seekers but providers of jobs as well.
Dr. Nitin Sharma, overall coordinator, delivered the vote of thanks. He expressed his gratitude toward all the speakers, faculty members as well as the students. Last, but not the least, the college management has been of pioneering support for organizing this seminar.
The first session in this seminar was taken by Mr. Rahul Ranjan, Senior Verbal Trainer, MJ Academy. He introduced to students how to quickly and efficiently memorize difficult English words. Such skills are especially required in clearing the CAT exam and other such similar entrance tests. He also briefed the students about the various opportunities in the field of management studies.
The second session was taken combinedly by Mr. Kundan Kumar (Head of IT dept., PSSPL), Mr. Shailesh Singh Rathore (Business Development Manager PSSPL) and Mr. Pankaj Namdev (Head of UAV Design Engineering PSSPL). Mr. Kundan Kumar gave valuable insights into the UAV industries, government guidelines, new initiatives and the scope of career in the field of Drone Technology. Next, Mr. Shailesh gave an overview of UAV Technology to our students while Mr. Pankaj Namdev explained the different types of UAVs, Drone components and indigenous value. The field of Drone technology is very promising and right now, this field lacks trained professionals and other related resource persons. A career in this field can be truly remarkable be it in technical area or as an entrepreneur.
Post lunch break, the third and the last session was delivered by Mr. Gunjan Choudhary from Made Easy. His speech in the auditorium caused the students to get struck with wonder. He emphasized how students were getting involved in an “easy going” life without caring for the fact that they should rather be working on improving their market value as they gradually inch closer to passing out from college. He showed the real time situation to the students. The level of competition is enormous. A dedicated and well chalked out plan is required for success. But students often take things for granted and therefore they suffer later. He warned the students in a healthy way not to become casual and be serious in whatever endeavors they wish to accomplish. He also gave a spiritual touch to his talk by mentioning about Srila Prabhupada who is the Founder Acarya of ISKCON. He is deeply attached to the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. During his speech, he also quoted several verses from the Bhagavad Gita which form the guiding torchlight for illuminating our thoughts with the right attitude. The students were very much convinced and they promised to get serious in their studies. The students were given first hand information of future prospects as far as PSU and GATE examination is concerned.
The Department of ECE especially thanks Ms. Sumedha Gupta and Ms. Shalu Garg who did anchoring in the event.